An engineer (soon to be), a dancer, a food enthusiast, an amateur food photographer, a traveller, a lover.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How if your best friend love you?

Well, I mean, you know him/her since you are in the first year of school. You and him/her are in the same university organization. What will you do? Or at least, what kind of stuff you will tell to him/her?

Plot twist, you and him/her are in the same gender.

Wew, I just don't know this kind of stuff is really happen in front of me. I always joking about, "jir lu homo ya? Dahla ngaku aja jir". And then I reallize that is not funny. Because for some people it's a really really sensitive topic to talk about.

Do you still remember my post about LGBT? You can find it here. No, I'm not change my principe. I still don't agree about LGBT declare legal in Indonesia. But now I might open up my mind further. Further than me two years ago.

And... Finally I will tell you another plot twist. No, he doesn't love me. But he said to me he's gay and my night was spent listening to his curhatan tentang cowo gebetan dia yang baru aja punya cowo baru. We talk about it for almost 3 hours.


  1. hahaha teringat percakapan di sambis
    so it turns out that night gives you big deal ya haha

    1. Wah yaiyalah mel, gua tadinya sangat menentang LGBT, tapi ya karena gua tau kondisinya, ya... jadi gimana wkwkwk


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