Today, Feb 4th 2018 I was went to Desa Leuwiliang, Bogor to attend my best friend wedding. His name Zaky. He married his girlfriend putri or sometimes she call herself puput. It took 2 hours to reach Bogor and 5 hours to go back to my home. Such a ridiculous thing that we were too optimist to reach TMII again at 1 p.m. Why we need to go back to TMII quickly is because my friend, Dara (the person who use her car to pick me up in my home) want to attend another wedding in TMII. The invitation actually at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. but she think that if we can only make it at 1 p.m. it's not a problem for her because the important thing is you show up rather than didn't.
Congrats Zaky dan Puput!! |
That's the intro.
The part what I want to say is...
I miss INFINITY, I miss the people, I miss Bandung.
I miss all of that because we talk about it and about it and about it all the way go to Zaky's wedding and back. How come I won't miss Bandung and the people and the memory that left with them if you talk it continuously? That's impossible dude. What is the part that make me miss the most? Is it the city? Or the situation? I will say: I don't know. That is the inseparable part because I just can go to Bandung anytime I want (in weekend of course) but it will not be the same. Because you know that you don't have any friend again in Bandung. Or I just can make a gathering with my close friend in here, in Jakarta, but again, it will not be the same.
Ah... If it's like this it feels that what Dilan said is true: "Jangan rindu. Ini Berat. Kau tak kan kuat. Biar aku saja".