An engineer (soon to be), a dancer, a food enthusiast, an amateur food photographer, a traveller, a lover.

Monday, April 13, 2015

You look so beautiful
Yesterday's rain
Makes me realized, I was so fool

Purple is your name
Riffled through my presence of mind
Like nobodies won't

It's now your turn, Blue
I'm Blue
It doesn't mean that I'm that "Blue"
Sure sir, if you got time for playing me, I blew you

Still Blue.
Don't you realized I'm up in the sky?
Clear sky, cumulus.
Don't you see? That was also me on the base of the Earth?
Soft sand, algae.

Can you read the sign?
Your presence were hated
By rainbow shine

Coup d'état
Is that what you really want?
Defeating others
To show your dominance to evening/dawn

Wavelength is only your strength
But then, become strong is never enough
Enough is when you can accomplished
The task you know that never finished

But hey,
Hello Gray!
Who are you?
Why you are so different to me?

Don't blame us
Why you came here?
Are you lost?
Or finally do you find something?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Baru aja balik dari Jakarta. Pulang kamis malem. Kamis malem harusnya pulang jam 20.30, tapi baru berangkat dari travel jam 00.00. Gila. Padet katanya perjalanan dari Jakarta-Bandung gegara liburan panjang. Banyak orang Jakarta yang liburan ke Bandung dan berangkat pada hari kamis malam. Akibatnya orang-orang seperti gua ini yang justru ingin berlibur ke Jakarta malah tidak bisa pulang dengan cepat.

Akhirnya baru sampai rumah sekitar jam 02.30. Untung travelnya mau keluar tol bambu apus, jadinya gua ga perlu naik taksi lagi dari d'brasco sampe rumah. Ngirit ongkos deh ehehe (ya walopun gua tetep ngasih duit juga sih ke supirnya buat bayar tol). Sampe rumah sebenernya udah ngantuk banget, tapi godaan akan Summoners War sangatlah terasa + internet yang super kebut. Ya sudah akhirnya main sampe shubuh. Shubuh-shubuh ditelpon ibu ditanyain dah sampe mana, padahal udah di lantai atas haha

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Seoramg penikmat anime yang kadang menulis hal-hal yang terdapat dalam pikiran.

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